Our Success Story

The Role

Tech Lead – A nuanced role requiring management expertise, team scaling capabilities, strong stakeholder engagement, hands-on coding proficiency and active project delivery involvement.

The Challenge

For the previous six months, the company grappled with an unfilled position, striving to locate the ideal candidate to anchor the team. Upon receiving the job specifications, we meticulously outline the deliverables, essential personal attributes, and the rigorous interview process designed to evaluate talent.

The Solution

Following a thorough refinement of requirements, we customised our search criteria to emphasise industry experience, technical proficiency, and key personal attributes. Through a series of initial interviews, we identified a promising candidate eager to relocate with their family to Madrid. Skilfully managing any relocation concerns we extended a compelling offer ultimately securing the position with their acceptance.

The Results

Client interviewed X candidates, X through to final stage within a X week period. 

Powered by our people

Candidates Placed
Candidates Screened
Total Interviews
Interview to Placement Ratio
0 :23